UC Advanced - issue #10


which the majority of customers are likely to do following multiple instances of bad service. Integrated AI tools are a must-have in this area in providing time-saving summaries of prior interactions that agents can use to surmise the full context of customer issues on live chats or calls, shortening the average handling time (AHT) and tailoring every service session to consider individual customer needs. A combined UC/CC solution allows agents to easily provide customers with direct channels to subject matter experts and empowers agents to access any relevant information from across their enterprise and consequently provide richer outcomes for customer queries or complaints. This is especially helpful for complex queries that require more than one session with an agent. Empowering agents Contact centre agents have a stressful job which can be exacerbated by remote work. Employees are isolated from immediate support systems and likely to be exposed to too much screen time when working from home, which increases the risk of burnout. By prioritising convenient UC solutions, enterprises give agents a faster and more productive system that alleviates their workload while promoting quick and constructive customer service. A unified platform empowers agents to retrieve crucial information in real-time when customers have been engaging across

enable agents to see the full picture without missing out on context from conversations they weren’t privy to. This also means that agents can seamlessly pick up where others have left off, allowing individuals to take breaks from high-stress interactions and encouraging teams to evenly share workloads. A combined UC/CC solution also enables AI tools to cover both customers’ and agents’ needs from end to end – for example, businesses can analyse the sentiment of their customers across active calls and chats via speech analysis, which can be used to automatically flag to the wider team if a call is in need of escalation. Unlocking insights UC and CC solutions are often composed of several disparate software systems, such as CRMs, chat and email. When not properly integrated, businesses risk creating data silos which can hinder data analytics and prevent valuable insights from being uncovered. An integrated UC and CC solution keeps all business data in one place so it can be properly utilised. By providing a comprehensive overview of customers’ needs and the resources available to meet them, the analytic features of both UC and CC systems can deliver holistic reports on the state of business down to the last detail. UC analytics illustrate how effectively teams communicate and collaborate, whereas contact centre analytics provide valuable insights such as average call time, customer retention and customer satisfaction scores (CSAT). When wielding the data of both customers and agents, you gain a richer understanding of your business’ internal and external needs. Connecting resources faster through UC and CC integration can increase operational efficiency by 37% and improve CX ratings by 56.6%². Additionally, with a single platform approach, organisations can receive analytics from a single source rather than having to pull data from multiple systems, resulting in insights that are as up-to-date and accurate as possible. An integrated UC/CC approach empowers businesses to make more informed decisions while optimising resources in order to provide evolving, innovative services that go the extra mile for customers.


Businesses can analyse the sentiment of their customers across active calls and chats via speech analysis, which can be used to automatically flag to the wider team if a call is in need of escalation.

multiple conversations on multiple platforms. Hybrid platforms

¹ https://www.mckinsey.com/capabilities/growth-marketing-and-sales/ our-insights/the-end-of-shoppings-boundaries-omnichannel-personalization ² https://metrigy.com/single-platform-for-uc-and-contact-center-expands-benefits/


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