I n a kingdom ruled by the digital realm, a renowned enterprise held court over a formidable castle. Rumours of an esteemed Princess Fortinet, known for her cybersecurity prowess, reached the kingdom, and the enterprise saw an opportunity for an alliance. T o test the authenticity of Princess Fortinet’s cybersecurity capabilities and determine if she was a worthy suitor to protect their digital assets, the cunning rulers devised a plan. On their end user devices, they concealed a virus called Peas, deep within the layers of their network.
P rincess Fortinet, welcomed graciously into the castle, was given the royal treatment. Unbeknownst to her, the enterprise observed keenly, waiting to see if she could detect the hidden threat. A s the princess settled down on the enterprise’s network, she felt a subtle discomfort—a nagging sensation that something wasn’t right. T he enterprise, anticipating her reaction, watched with intrigue as Princess Fortinet employed her Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) capabilities. Despite the layers of deception, Princess Fortinet’s EDR capabilities proved unparalleled. She swiftly detected the presence of the concealed Peas virus, exposing the hidden threat within the enterprise’s network. The rulers were impressed and somewhat unnerved by her
Graphics supplied courtesy of OWL LABS: https://owllabs.co.uk/state-of-hybrid-work/2024
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