Resistance Game On Companies investing in Communication Tools, whether they are devices, software or platforms, sometimes find their employees are resistant to implementing the change to their working habits. What to do when “Computer says GO” but “Employee says NO”?
Soft Approach
Fixed Approach
Appoint Super Users Identify colleagues to the team that are using the systems and devices that are willing to help others
Make it Mandatory Inform your employees that it is part of their job function to adopt the new tools e.g. use the headset, use the CRM Eliminate the Negative Consider moving the colleague to an alternative job role that may be best suited to their skill set Set the Targets Set a deadline so that employees have a fixed date of when they need to be proficient with their new tools and devices
Explain Why Clearly articulate the rationale behind the change, highlighting the potential benefits for the company and the employee personally Training and Support Offer necessary training on the new system or device to ensure employees are equipped to handle change
Whether companies take a gentle approach, or a hardline approach, the benefits of communication tools far outweigh the trepidation of employees. Some issues may be beyond the control of line managers and team members, for example when interoperability creeps into play. Old legacy systems sometimes don’t
play ball with new UC solutions. Or the game changes when other considerations come into play, like bandwidth limitations when the new UC system used by all puts a strain on the local network. When that happens, blame the referee (usually some project manager that not many people like anyway).
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