News You should know p6 Products Hot products p10 Hospitals Improving communications and service p12 Field Agents Connecting the things p18 Data Security Ensuring it won’t be stolen p22 Thought... Retail’s new era p28 Cloud Storage Is convenient a better experience? p32 Remote GPS Calling all Doctors p36 Workplace Zoom’s new office p39 Switch-Off How is industry preparing? p43 Events Nimans BT Tower event and EE’s sunset p47 Thought... The cost of doing nothing p49
How sitting on your hands may be too much for some companies to afford.
Every guy struck down with man flu will tell you the unimaginable pain will make you feel smaller than a thimble.
Retail is heading into a new era according to Stefan Spendrup, VP, Northern and Western Europe at SOTI.
As data becomes more valuable, how can businesses ensure it won’t be stolen?
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