UC Advanced - issue #7

become more spread out, meeting equity, and making sure we have the same experience sitting in the conference room than sitting at home, or on the phone is important. “We need more equipment in all the conference rooms so that we can share, collaborate, and communicate with people all over the world because the time has ended, everyone will go to the office.” “I think some people think meeting equity is just a bonus, but it’s essential,” said Shure Senior Director, Strategic Market Development, Rob Smith. “Because typically, if you think about a big meeting, the managing director and the board for example, if the CEO comes in and sits at the head of the table furthest from the screen, it’s likely that person won’t be heard, but that’s the most expensive person in the room. “Habitually I work from home. But if I’m in a meeting with headquarters, and I can’t hear half the meeting, and I can’t be heard, I might as well have not gone.” Turning towards a solution, Tonya Brilon Head of Product Marketing, Personal Workspace B2B at Logitech said that to even start to move forward, software and hardware fundamentally need to work together. “Before the pandemic sometimes there was one person who dialled into a meeting but most of the people were sat around a table,” said Brilon. “Then when the pandemic hit we all got equal space in the meeting with our own Hollywood Square. Now the reverse is true, the people who go into the meeting room have a square but the other participants can’t see the people in the meeting room. “We have tried to combat that with software, like smart switching or smart gallery and we have launched Sight cameras, a 315-degree view that can focus on who is speaking. “The hardware and the software are enabling us to create more equitable meetings, but then I think, as human beings, we have to be more thoughtful about turning to the screen and speaking to those people, rather than pretending that only the people in the room are in the meeting. “I think that if you have a culture of hybrid working, then everybody will know what it’s like to be on that other end, and you’ll see people try to turn to the screen and ask the remote participants what they think. “So it’s a combination of technology and culture. Or just come back to the office so you don’t have to worry about it!”

We have a rather strong reseller base in EMEA, so it’s great to see our customers because we are working with distributors in a lot of countries to meet their customers and get a feeling for how the industry is developing, what the signs of the time are, and what direction people are going.

can create the solutions that are meeting those demands, because our products can solve the problems the data is suggesting.” Equity of Experience While where we will be communicating is a debate that will rage on, the experience that we receive is still something that needs to be addressed. Meeting Equity was a topic that summed up the focus of the show as businesses continue to look for new ways to keep their employees engaged after logging on. “We are coming from a pre-pandemic conference room which had a projector or a display and that’s it at the end,” said Siegfried Hermann, Lightware President of EMEA. “But I think the trend all over Europe is that we won’t come back to the same scenario we had five years ago where everyone vivitek.eu

Holger Graeff General Manager EMEA

Tonya Brilon Head of Product Marketing, Personal Workspace B2B

goes to the office every morning. “As we


It’s about talking to customers, it’s talking to people in our industry and asking what are the pain points, what are they seeing. I’ve had a lot of great conversations with attendees here looking for solutions and asking them what’s working for you? What’s not working for you? So I think, for all of us, it’s an opportunity to meet customers face to face of course, but it’s also an opportunity to just talk to people in our space.


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