UC Advanced - issue #11

questions, where can I park, what’s available, all these sorts of things, and we want to make sure that’s available constantly. It’s really a challenge, but that’s why the platform has worked so well for us.”

to be able to talk to each other really quickly, understand who’s available, who’s not, so they’re not dropping calls on people blind and those sorts of things, to make sure that they can do that. I think there’s about 30-odd people that use that experience in total and get the most out of it as well.”

Self Sufficiency 1: Cold Transferring 0

Moving the tech up with the league tables

Huw was asked whether self-sufficiency for his team was the most noticeable difference in implementing the new system, and he summed up the advantages of a good cloud telephony-based system pretty neatly, “I’d say that’s probably one of the most obvious, from an outside perspective, from a usability point of view, the platform itself, it works, right? You log in, you can have nice VoIP headsets and all these sorts of things that work far nicer than our traditional sort of setup. But even then, just proper call routing and parking and the ability to talk to people, not cold transferring before, those sorts of things. Again, as a fan or a customer or whatever part in that journey, the experience is seamless then. It’s just a better experience. And usually dealt with a little bit quicker because you’re not worrying about what’s going on.” Additionally, the internal customers – the contact centre staff in hospitality, the fan experience team, ticket office team, our administration and reception teams across both sites as well, because our training ground is included as part of that. They need

Jamie asked Huw what tools and technologies Huw was considering for the future. On the radar for Huw is maximising the contact centre, exploring further the use of AI and chatbots to drive intuitive and accurate responses to the clubs’ customers, thus aspiring to higher service and customer satisfaction levels. Additionally, a flawless tech experience every day the stadium is open, not just match days. Huw is considering a new IPTV solution to manage the TV content and the signage content so that, “From the second you walk in the door, you feel like that event is made for you, not a generic space. It’s a space that’s made for the people that want it and need it.” For events like wedding receptions and dinner parties Huw is determined to utilise and improve the technology in music, sound and visuals that play such a key part in the customers’ experiences, offering a personalisation of experience. Huw’s roadmap has a vision for additional suites in the coming year too, so here at UC Advanced we are

Drew Crisp Senior Vice President of Digital


To be able to talk to each other really quickly, understand who’s available, who’s not, so they’re not dropping calls...




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