UC Advanced - issue #11


Purchasing for Purpose

All too often small and medium sized businesses (SMBs) buy UC&C products that are not designed for business needs, such as phones, routers, headsets. Savings on the costs are offset by poor functionality, multiple re-purchases and the wrath of disgruntled employees.

The number of private sector businesses in the UK at the start of 2023 was 5.6 million*, according to the estimates produced by the Department for Business and Trade (DBT), with 5.51 million of those businesses considered small (0 to 49 employees) and 36,900 businesses classified as medium- sized (50 to 249 employees). Compared with 2022, the private sector business population has increased by 0.8% (that’s an extra 46,000 businesses). However one carves the data the fact remains, the UK SMB sector is substantial, growing and assumedly industrious. SMBs need communication devices to collaborate with customers and suppliers, and whether their workspace is a home office, a back office or rented office space, to name only a few of the variations of workspaces that exist out there, they all need those essential devices that help them run smoothly. UC Advanced caught up with three managers from Nimans, D-Link and Jabra, who have seen quite a few SMBs purchasing devices for business purposes in their lifetimes, and enquired about whether they had any

sage advice for all SMBs considering their next device for their company. Alan Jones, Marketing Manager at D-Link focused on Access Points, those all important devices that connect wireless devices to a wired network, often called internet or wireless routers. Paul Burn, Managing Director at Nimans, focused on headphones, much needed when you are sharing premium office space, operating a busy customer line or constantly walking between an office and a warehouse. Nigel Dunn, Managing

*https://www.gov.uk/ government/statistics/ business-population- estimates-2023/ business-population- estimates-for-the-uk-and- regions-2023-statistical- release

Director EMEA North, Jabra concentrated on videobars, a rapidly growing sector as SMBs look to

l performance l durability l functionality l warranties

redesign and equip meeting spaces with all-in-one solutions. Universally, all three experts agreed that SMBs purchasing devices for their businesses should be considering........

l energy efficiency l reseller customer service

Purposefully Purchasing:

Access Points

The Hidden Costs of Cutting Corners: Why SMBs Should Invest in Business- Grade Access Points Small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) should always be looking for that edge, and any angle they can exploit, to reduce costs while maintaining high levels of productivity and efficiency, especially at the moment

with low levels of economic growth on the horizon.. It’s understandable – every penny saved can have a significant impact on the bottom line. However, one area where cutting costs can backfire is in the IT infrastructure, particularly when it comes to network devices like Access Points (APs).




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