UC Advanced - issue #11


Purposefully Purchasing:


Are SMBs put off by business level products with too many features? SMBs are often deterred by products with too many features that are deemed as too complex and difficult to manage, particularly because typically, they have limited time and resources. We know that businesses want simplicity and ease and of use. Nearly a third (31%) of employees say they are hesitant to take meetings from a meeting room because they aren’t comfortable with the technology, Jabra’s research shows. Overly feature-rich products can overwhelm users, leading to frustration and lower adoption rates. They may also perceive these products as offering poor value if the features seem irrelevant to their requirements and the benefits aren’t clear. This also leads to concerns about wasting budgets on capabilities they won’t use. Hybrid working/remote working - where do you see the market moving? We are seeing a return to the office but hybrid working remains the dominant trend. Our research shows that 80% of all meetings include at least one remote participant. As a result, there is demand for Unified Communications (UC) technology that offers the flexibility to work from anywhere, whether at home, in the office or on the move. As businesses continue to navigate hybrid working, they need to assess how office space is being used and whether the design, layout and meeting room equipment meets their needs. There is growing demand for adaptable, office workspaces for different requirements

—be it collaborative zones, social spaces or quiet areas for focused work. When it comes to rethinking meeting room setups, businesses are looking for reliable, flexible solutions. The emphasis should be on creating the best meeting experience for all participants, whether in the room or joining remotely, where everyone can contribute on an equal footing. These factors will continue to shape the direction of the market. What advice do you have for SMBs investing in UCC products for business needs? SMBs should start by reviewing current needs and future growth plans. Do existing products and meeting rooms meet requirements, and if not why? Look for products that are certified for use with chosen platforms such as Microsoft Teams and Zoom. It’s important to choose solutions that seamlessly integrate with existing tools and platforms and ensure a smooth transition. Also review how meeting rooms are being used. What’s the main purpose of the room, is it being used to full capacity, is space being optimised, can everyone in the room be seen and heard and have a high-quality meeting experience? Businesses can then look at what the challenges and limitations are of their current products, and identify the solutions that will meet their needs. Implementing change and installing new products can be daunting but it doesn’t have to be hard. Not all new technology is complex and difficult to use. When it comes to video conferencing, choose products with plug-and-play

Nigel Dunn Managing Director EMEA North



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