UC Advanced - issue #11

All too often we see this go wrong when sellers pretend to have that

technical knowledge and they can’t get beyond the

The Emotion Quotient Traditional sales training often skews heavily towards teaching theoretical concepts, leaving minimal room for practical application. As a result, the first real-world test of these newly acquired skills often occurs during live customer interactions – hardly the ideal setting for trial and error. VR training, however, offers a transformative learning experience by providing a dynamic, immersive environment where salespeople can practice without fear of failure. James insightfully states “VR training helps connect to participants’ emotional quotient, the measure of their understanding and handling of emotions. Often, sales training sessions can be theoretical which means knowledge retention rates are low. Research* found that VR training has a knowledge retention rate of 75% and this high rate is due to the VR’s ability to generate a strong physical and emotional response from participants. This is particularly powerful when the seller is practicing a tense negotiation, or a customer service representative is having to deal with an angry customer.” Bridging the Generational and “Techie” Gap The Mentor Group’s VR training allows participants to engage in gamified scenarios, role-playing, and problem-solving activities.

Interestingly, the Mentor Group has observed a generational gap in the adoption and intuitive use of VR technology. James notes, “It depends on a number of factors. For example, we’ve noticed an obvious generational gap where younger generations have the ability to use the platform intuitively, whereas some of the more experienced sellers need more support. Additionally, it also depends on what the seller’s organisation sells and which sectors they operate in. We’ve seen that salespeople who work for IT hardware companies tend to be far more comfortable with using the technology than those who don’t work in the tech space. Although there have been these variations in salespeople’s capabilities of using the technology, it’s important to note that everyone is always excited to try it! We’ve seen that for most people, the technology is easy to use and whenever there are any difficulties, we’re always on hand to offer our support.” Real World ROI James continues “Our VR sales training platform is cost-effective and can be scaled to meet the varying challenges faced by our clients. It can be delivered in 29 languages and can host synthetic media videos, an umbrella term for AI-generated video content,

first level of questioning from the buyer.



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