UC Advanced - issue #11


to help onboard new users. Additionally, we strive to create a realistic experience for greater diversity and relatability; we are proud to have a diverse range of actors in the VR training environment. Modern sellers strive for innovation and forward-thinking ideas. If you give them the choice, they will likely choose training that offers advanced courses with cutting-edge technology, such as VR, rather than being stuck in a classroom for days on end.” James adds, “We are currently training over 600 sellers in advanced sales techniques. In the training, they have to meet 12 virtual buyers which emulates a complex enterprise sale. As part of this training, they are expected to bring along a real-world example to apply what they are learning to accounts they manage in their

the time they were finished with our training programme, they had managed to expand the opportunity to over $10 million. Now that’s return on investment!” VR Builds Confidence and Sales UC Advanced has to acknowledge that in an era where technology continues to redefine business practices, VR training stands out as a groundbreaking tool for mitigating the challenges associated with selling technical products. By offering a safe, repeatable, and immersive environment for practicing sales techniques, VR training enhances knowledge retention, builds confidence, and prepares salespeople for real-world interactions. The Mentor Group’s success stories illustrate the tangible benefits and impressive ROI that organisations can achieve by adopting this innovative training approach. As VR technology continues to evolve, its potential to transform sales training – and, by extension, sales effectiveness – is limitless.


day-to-day job. In the pilot, which was only one of many use cases, a seller brought a deal worth $1 million into the program, and by


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