UC Advanced - issue #11

We consider ourselves to be a disrupter by offering something different, but we’re not looking to smash or break the channel. We want to offer partners the ability to grow their business with us. It’s not about changing the world overnight.

a little bit different, want to organically grow the channel and become

a market leader in the UK. We want to work in a controlled and

change provider even if it’s more financially

careful way, working with the right partners at the right time, doing things in the right way. Yes, we consider ourselves to be a disrupter by offering something different, but we’re not looking to smash or break the channel. We want to offer partners the ability to grow their business with us. It’s not about changing the world overnight. UCAD: Are you planning to work with the channel as part of your growth plans? If so how will this work and how can channel partners get involved with Sona? JK: The channel is at the heart of our operations where we offer a defined set of products and services that a customer can quickly educate themselves on, become self-sufficient and take the baton forward. We are there to support them on the journey with a very nimble management team, which is always available from the top downwards. UCAD: What is your assessment of the UK market – how is it faring and what are the current trends from what you have seen? JK: We feel UK channel partners are more adaptable and open to change than other areas. Pricing is less aggressive for example in Europe where there is less of a desire to

appealing. The opinion is if it’s not broken don’t try to fix it. But in the UK, it’s a lot more of a hungry market that is more proactive searching for added value in a more competitive way. UCAD: What innovations in the sector can we look forward to in the next 18 months? JK: The market will continue to mature. Moving forward there will be much greater integration with other apps, connectivity services plus AI. It’s about giving partners more power in terms of being able to offer their own dedicated bespoke services such as call bundles and contact centre solutions in a pain-free way. Creating a compelling menu of services in a very easy way. In five years’ time a reseller will become a virtual service provider offering a very broad and diverse mix of technologies. We are an ISO 9001 and ISO 27001 certified company, and our vision is to become the leading provider of advanced IP communications solutions to businesses around the world. We are committed to providing cutting edge technology services to make sure our clients are connected on a secure and extensive network.

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