UC Advanced - issue #12


A new way NWI has recently completed a rebrand to reflect how the 25-year-old business has evolved the services it provides recently – and now the team is on a mission to get the message out to customers about its new value-added proposition.

Business never stays still, and for a successful business to remain so it must continually evolve, especially when it is in the technology sector. New Way International has successfully done this for 25 years and now, to reflect how it has evolved and is now differentiating itself from the competition in the mobile phone space, it has just rebranded to NWI. “There are a lot of mobile phone suppliers out there and a lot of distributors too,” says Sonny Sahota, head of sales at NWI. “To differentiate ourselves from the rest of the market, we have decided now to add more value in our proposition, i.e., when we’re selling a device, we offer the customer services such as bundling in accessories like a case and screen protector, asset tagging, through to relying onto MDM enrollment as well as other options such as extended warranties, insurance and financing.” Taking away the pain points The aim of NWI’s value-added proposition is to take away potential pain points for customers. For instance, NWI doesn’t just bundle an accessory like a screen protector in with a phone. “We will offer to apply the screen protector as well,” says Sonny. “It can be quite time consuming for the end user too.

terms of time. We take a lot of the headache away from them, whether it is adding accessories, or things like SIM pairing, which NWI can do. “We can also take care of asset tagging too, which is when you label a mobile phone. A lot of companies now when they’re sending out phones to their employees, they number them, so that if it falls into the hands of someone else, they’re able to track it and monitor the whereabouts of it.” MDM Sonny adds that NWI can also take care of enrolling a phone onto a manufacturer’s MDM platform or portal and/or configure it in a way the customer requires. “This means that when the customer switches on their device, it’s preloaded with company logos or it’s locked down with the security necessary, so users can only access certain websites, for instance,” he explains. Extended warranty NWI also offers extended warranties to customers, which is something that increasing numbers are seeking, according to Sonny. “We can offer up to five years warranties, whereas most mobile and tablet devices come with only a two-year warranty,” he says. “We can offer a three-, four- or five-year managed service warranty, which takes the burden off the customer having to send it back to any repair centre as we will collect and return the unit for them. It gives them peace of mind for that extended time.” NWI also offers a bill and hold service, Sonny adds. “For example, if there’s 500 units in an order, the customer might not want all 500 sitting at their office at once,” he says. “We can stagger the delivery of the devices and send out, for example, 50 units at a time over a period of several weeks to make things more manageable for the end user.

To differentiate ourselves from the rest of the market, we have decided now to add more value in our proposition...

Imagine sending out 500 mobile phones to an end user, then the burden is left on the IT personnel to apply the screen protectors, and that could be quite painful in


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