I think that the development of people is hugely important, and giving people opportunities to grow and develop as individuals is hugely important.
It could be great expertise in logistics or standing alongside a reseller to help them with opportunities, connecting partners to vendors, or helping partners generate end- user opportunities. So value comes in many different forms of distribution. “Every successful distributor today is successful because they deliver value in a way that is suitable for them and their partners. I think distribution will always evolve alongside the channel, which is why it is here to stay.” Building Trust Although he may not be around longer than distribution, Chimoindes himself spoke about his ambitions for his time in the big chair at Nuvias US. While only a year in the job, it’s clear to see that the CEO had a plan and has largely executed it within a relatively small time frame, an impressive feat in a business that generated over £100 million in revenues in the last financial year. According to Chimoindes, above all else, a sense of trust within the team spurs such success, which he says he’d like to be remembered for. “The organisation and people are everything,” said Chimoindes, “I think that the development of people is hugely important, and giving people opportunities to grow and develop as individuals is hugely important. “When you’re looking at how to change culture, the number one thing you have to have in any organisation or any team is trust. So we’ve built a trusting environment that ensures people can speak without fear of consequences, making sure that we’ve got an organisation where people trust each other and understand each other as well. “If we can foster a culture inside Nuvias UC, that gives everyone the ability to be the best version of themselves, whatever that is, and how they want to grow and develop would make me pleased.”
Vendors have woken up to the value of channel resellers. A prime example is Zoom’s emphasis on building a partner ecosystem over the last couple of years as it looks to grow at scale. “I think if you look at startup companies, they go through that lifecycle of growing by selling direct because that’s the natural model,” said Chimoindes. “But then they reach a maturity point where they know they need to scale, which is where the channel comes in and should become an extension of the vendors’ own capability. “I’m by no means calling Zoom a start up, but it becomes quite expensive for a vendor to grow by selling direct. If you treat the channel in the right way, help the channel make margin, help them create opportunities, and help them be different from their competitors. That’s how vendors truly scale as well.”
I’m by no means calling Zoom a start up, but it becomes quite expensive for a vendor to grow by selling direct.
Shifting the Narrative Along with the resellers, Chimoindes said that distribution provides value to the vendors they serve, adding that the practice will never go away. “The story of distribution is such an interesting one because whenever there’s been an inflexion point around the market and technology, everyone predicts the end of distribution. Thankfully, that’s not happened, and I don’t think it will happen because distribution will always evolve to deliver value to the channel. “Value comes in many different ways.
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