Shying Away from Solutions
It may be a small problem, but it is part of a wider trend; especially in the context of bringing employees back into the office. At its heart, technology needs to be simple, and when they work, Teams Rooms, Zoom Rooms, Webex Rooms, and any other type of meeting space are seamless. But the fear of what happens when the meeting doesn’t start is what is making people move away from the Meeting Room and into the comfort of a personal computer. I may be banging on about this subject now, but it’s something that we are all affected by, and the vendors know it. I’m often shown around the idyllic office spaces of global companies, where each hot desking booth has everything that employees need to sit down and get on with some work before moving on to a collaboration space booked well in advance. That isn’t necessarily an answer for the average business. Employees don’t need a lot of nice technology to work in an office. It may help them and give them a better experience, but I don’t think I’ve ever joined a company and had a colleague rave about the conferencing system to me on my first day; in fact, the sentiment towards office technology is usually negative. Now that the free lunch idea has run its course, the question of motivating people to come into the office has almost ended. Frankly, it seems leaders have the choice to entice their employees with nice things or their jobs. On that note, I’ll leave you to it! We have a great edition this month with features on cybersecurity, healthcare, and manufacturing, and I was able to catch up with Nuvias UC CEO Joel Chimoindes after a year in the big chair! As always, you can catch me via email at, it’ll be great to hear from you!
As technology evolves and new features are developed, it appears to leave people behind. Whether that’s in the hardware or the software, we will all be able to name a platform or piece of technology on which we stopped adopting the new and stuck to what we were comfortable with.
Elliot Mulley-Goodbarne Editor
Discord and Twitch were a bridge too far for me. Although I try to use them to watch some streamers, the whole ecosystem is foreign to me, so I’ll stick to Instagram and YouTube. But when you factor in Moore’s Law and the improvements that people may be missing out on, it does appear to be a crying shame that some people are just left behind. In the business world, it’s more than a shame; it’s a hindrance. Whether IT can be called to help, the disruption it causes does impact the meeting, shortening it and often changing the tone as participants wait to get going. In and of itself, you could argue that the individual should find a way to work with these technologies. They are, after all, designed to be a one-touch solution if you listen to the manufacturers. Yet time and time again, I hear about participants being scared to go near the tablet in the middle of the room, opting for someone else to risk doing something wrong when they try to join the meeting.
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